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Thats all we can do., 5. Wisconsin author Peter Annin has the long view on diverting water from the Great Lakes and has authored two books on the topic. 4. Bad debt? or a relaxing all-inclusive resort getaway,
Most likely its 20+ times as much.one 3ft pipeline may work for oil, but how about 20 of them for water? This Public Law 110-342 was introduced in the Senate by Carl Levin (D Michigan) on July 23, 2008, passed the Senate on August 1, 2008, by unanimous consent, passed the House of Representatives on September 23, 2008, and finally signed into law by President George W. Bush on October 3, 2008. He also mentioned vast swaths of western states in the midst of drought. Its bottling centers are located in Mecosta County, Michigan, and Guelph, Ontario. Whiskey is for drinking; water is for fighting. The International Joint Commission (IJC) approves and provides regulatory orders for projects that affect levels and flows on the other side of the international border. See our affiliate disclosure for details. It was introduced by Rep. Rachel Hood from Grand Rapids. If you found your way to this article recently, you may have discovered it on Snopes or another mythbuster page. All good questions. China stealing/ taking the Great Lakes water, then selling it back to us. The content of this site has been restored on a non-profit basis to preserve knowledge and serve as a historical archive. Ensuring the Healthy Future of Our Waters in the Great Lakes Region New Study Finds Affordable Water For All Michiganders Is Possible The Water Affordability . Helping people find their dream home since 1962. Lets help our farmers out west .America and the world needs them!!!!! But then water levels always fall and the proposals fade away, Annin told Great Lakes Now. The waters of the Great Lakes are, for the most part, a nonrenewable resource. A few diversions have been approved under the compact, including withdrawals from Lake Michigan by New Berlin and Waukesha in Wisconsin. Hendersons proposal follows a recent foray into tapping Great Lakes state water reserves. Wasnt the Illinois lottery suppose to bail the State out of financial whoas? For example, wildfires burned an astounding 3.6 million acres in the state of Texas alone during 2011. Recently the blogosphere and news sites have been bristling that Barack Obama is allowing water from the Great Lakes region to be pumped and sold to China. As of September 2015 Michigan is, indeed, the only such state, despite the best efforts of Wisconsins republican governor, Scott Walker. But the fact that water is being steadily pumped out of the Great Lakes and sold overseas is certainly not helping matters. They are composed of numerous aquifers (groundwater) that have filled with water over the centuries, waters that flow in the tributaries of the Great Lakes, and waters that fill the lakes themselves. Are Foreign Companies Stealing Great Lakes Water? (Richard Harvey) The cost of sending water out west would have an enormous infrastructure cost. They hold about 90% of the freshwater in the United States and approximately 20% of the world's freshwater supply. His calculation is based on the annual average rate, but he notes that the daily evaporation rate can be ten times higher during the late fall. If you dont see a commenting section below, please disable your adblocker. All of this is happening at a time when the U.S. is getting ready to deal with the greatest water crisis this nation has ever known. You may opt out at anytime. The University of Michigan estimates that approximately 100 million pounds of fish are harvested from the Great Lakes by commercial fishermen. If you can produce proof, as opposed to heresay, I will gladly post pictures or first hand statements from those who witnessed such activity. China is a dialogue member and shares its river data with the MRC only during the wet . Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Let's not sweat the small stuff.. And organizations like the EPA and the State are wondering why water levels are at an all time low? Canada reviewed and approved the agreement. you can help us dredge our dock again next summer. In 1998 the Nova Group obtained a permit from Canadas Ontario Ministry of the Environment to export approximately 160 million gallons per year of water from Lake Superior for export to Asia in bulk containers. The water would be treated at a Waukesha water plant and dumped into the Root River, where it would flow into Lake Michigan through Racine, Wisconsin. As explained in a previous post, the lack of ice cover in 2011-12 and record-breaking warm temperatures created ideal conditions for high rates of evaporation on Lakes Superior, Huron, and Michigan. Gone is the healthy water storage that floated California through two dry years. The largest, longest-standing and most controversial diversion from the Great Lakes is at Chicago, where the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal, finished in 1900, reverses the Chicago River and connects Lake Michigan to the Mississippi River. One recent UN report projected that two-thirds of the people in the world will be dealing with water stress and 1.8 billion people will be facing absolute water scarcity by the year 2025. Higher than average precipitation throughout most of the region in July left Lakes Erie and Ontario with above average water levels for this time of year, according to the most recentmonthly water level reportby the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Detroit District Office. He worked on water issues in Southern California where he became aware of the challenges western states are facing. But in one of our most popular posts, last year we warned, Lake Michigan water is being shipped by boat loads over to China! They have then pumped more than a 1/2 million gallons of water a day drying up streams and ponds that feed the Great Lakes. Lake Powell is fed by the once mighty Colorado River, and at this point the flow of water into the lake has been reduced to a trickle. More than 30 million people in seven states depend on the mighty Colorado for water to grow crops, fuel power plants and keep cities such as Las Vegas alive. Foreign Companies Are Stealing Great Lakes Water, Great Lakes Beaches Across Michigan are Amazing, Michigan Wolves Howl in the Face of Biodiversity Loss, 2012 Great Lakes Water Levels Had Near Record Lows. If a comment is spam, instead of replying to it please click the icon to the right of the comment, and report it as spam. .chakra .wef-facbof{display:inline;}@media screen and (min-width:56.5rem){.chakra .wef-facbof{display:block;}}You can unsubscribe at any time using the link in our emails. To nurture his acres of pistachio trees, Tom Coleman has long relied on water from Californias mountain-ringed reservoirs, fed by Sierra streams and water pumped from the massive Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. The issue is not engineering ingenuity, rather the astonishing lack of integrity among negotiating parties or consideration for the dispossessed (check the headlines) that would sway any water-diversion scheme to the Great Lakes and the nations disadvantage. LOL! Normally water from that area would flow into the Mississippi. A company from Switzerland, Nestl, has been operating a water bottling plant in Michigan since 2000. The lakes respond rapidly to changes in weather, with the contrast between this year and last serving as an excellent example. The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, DEQ, heard from Michigan residents in a big way. I don't doubt it since a glass of tap water costs what? craigslist weatherford, tx homes for rent; nombre de hidroquinona en farmacias similares Menu Toggle. Now it wants a new permit that would allow the company to pump 400 gallons of water each minute of the day, 365 days a year. Them Chinese got products at most all American stores does that count for stealing? Plunging water levels are beyond anyones control, says another expert, James Weakley. Some of these theories and misleading facts get repeated so often, they become mythic. This would create quite a traffic jam at the Soo Locks! Nestle can continue to pump out and bottle water despite overwhelming public opposition. Although groundwater extraction is an important concern for reasons that I wont elaborate here, there is really no comparison with the amount of water lost through evaporation. But University of Regina paleoclimatologist Jeannine-Marie St. Jacques says that decade-long drought is nowhere near as bad as it can get. If there were a secret pipeline pumping water from the Great Lakes, it would have to be massive. Studies show that the Chicago diversion is more than offset by a diversion into Lake Superior from Canada. More water evaporates from the Great Lakes than flows over the Niagara Falls every year, according to the IJC. water. They export numerous cheap items to our country tainted with toxic and cancer causing substances. Required fields are marked *. Thanks for weighing in. Re: Swiss Nestle is Stealing Great Lakes Water, Shipping it to China Well they do say the next oil will be water. Are Foreign Companies Stealing Great Lakes Water? You are lying, I have relatives there, and Nestle is pumping water out of there and putting it into big bags and on barges to be sold to China. In addition, great lake levels are cyclic. Climate change may very well have forced us into a new normal and be irreversible. I'm not disagreeing water levels are currently down -. We are not hopeful that Lansings current leadership will prevent the stealing of Great Lakes water by foreign companies. I heard they are poisoning us with this water, the bottles they are putting this water in is made from poisonous materials. Legally? As of now, China has not joined the convention, representing a key blow to the UN's efforts. china stealing water from great lakes. TANKERS WITH OUR FRESH WATER IN HUGE BLADDER-LIKE TANKS TO PUT INTO THEIR [AQUIFERS]THAT THEY HAVE ABUSED AND ARE NOW DRIED UP!! We cannot afford to conduct business as usual in any area when the old systems and protections are irrelevant to our survival. Once sales are implemented what happens when lake levels return to normal? Im sure for Prof. Hendersons proposal to proceed, there would be a robust discussion on how revenue from water sales could be used. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of MLive Media Group, You are viewing this article in the AnnArbor.com archives. Siling Lake. 8. Aware of the barriers to his proposal to sell the excess water, Henderson said he is not in favor of water privatization and if a plan to sell water is enacted, government regulation would be necessary. China blows. Perhaps this is better categorized as a conspiracy theory. "If you continue to have this. Cameron Davis, who led the efforts of environmental groups to enact the compact, did not respond to a request for comment. Not unique or particularly remarkable." Sign up for notifications . He cited Illinois as an example of where selling water could benefit the state. the following list of 15 facts about the coming water crisis is from one of my previous articles entitled Dust Bowl Conditions Are Literally Returning To The Western Half Of The United States. At least now, Nestle and other companies are operating under the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact was enacted by the 110th United States Congress effective December 8, 2008, before Obama took office. The reason isthis is THE GREATEST SOURCE OF FRESHWATER IN THE WORLD. "How many boats are loaded with exports to China from the United States? See our affiliate disclosure for details. Ongoing winter storms wont be doing much to relieve some drought-stricken areas of the U.S. In 1998, the Canadian Nova Group requested a permit to ship Great Lakes water to Asia and it was granted without fanfare. China stealing/ taking the Great Lakes water, then selling it back to us. Moreover, it makes neither environmental nor Great Lakes-aligned economic sense to further consumer demand by irrigating an historically desert region that lacks replenishment provisions. Let me know how I can help.Mike. Here is the Truth. Hendersons legal specialty is in securities and banking regulation and economics. Even more worrisome, the draining of the High Plains water account has picked up speed. Further complicating matters is the fact that natural variation in the water levels is essential for maintaining a healthy ecosystem. The five largest saltwater (Red ones are the largest five, orange ones are the dried ones) and fresh water lakes (Blue ones are the traditional five-large-lakes, cyan ones are those that are supposed to be in the largest five) in China. Todd Henderson, University of Chicago law professor, Photo by University of Chicago. The Ogallala Aquifer is being drained at a rate of approximately 800 gallons per minute. china stealing water from great lakes 03 Jun Posted at 18:52h in trading wisdom: 50 lessons every trader should know by shelden williams disability brokers have liability to commission salespeople as to Likes Their lazy practice is to re-blog poorly written posts from inflammatory sites. 2022-06-07 . It must not have anything to do with man made things, like a massive new water pipe line going into the southern states. Change). One of the most toxic was drywall which contained sulfuric acid, why would you put sulfuric acid in drywall, many people were sickened from it. We cant just say no for reasons that arent attached to the law, said Matt Gamble, the Department of Environmental Quality supervisor whos coordinating the response effort. The president is now pushing for free trade with South Korea which I am totally against. We have too much water here, but plenty of communities have too little water, he wrote. 12. Through GSGP, the Governors and Premiers work as equal partners to grow the regions $6 trillion economies and protect the worlds largest surface freshwater system. Amazing analysis. 1. Not only is this the largest freshwater system in the world, the supply of water that sustains the lakes is affected by global climate change. china stealing water from great lakes china stealing water from great lakes. I suspect there would be a water level where sales could not proceed. In 2018 Foxconn pulled back from a commitment to a manufacturing facility that required the water diversion; however, it could have brought up to 13,000 jobs to Wisconsin. It is being projected that repairing and expanding our decaying drinking water infrastructure will cost more than one trillion dollars over the next 25 years, and as a result our water bills will likely approximately triple over that time period. Water flows into Lake Powell, nestled between Utah and Arizona, from high in the Rocky Mountains via the Colorado River. When I use the search engines, all they list are crazy articles like the one you exposed. Heres some good new, COVID Jab Spike Remains in Body, Affects DNA: 1 Holistic Way to Repair DNA and Reduce Spike Damage. Great Lakes. Chinese and US investors each own 1.9 per cent followed by the UK owning 1.1 per cent. The amount of commerce carried by Great Lakes shipping exceeds $40B annually. There are approximately 3,000 high capacity wells registered with the state. Just recently, the Huffington Post ran an article entitled These 11 Cities May Completely Run Out Of Water Sooner Than You Think. Scientists are warning that nothing can be done to stop the depletion of the Ogallala Aquifer. 100 trays per bundle. Lake Powell is draining due to climate change what does this mean for the local environment? No, China is not currently taking water from the Great Lakes. Its an ongoing example of utter foolishness with unfettered exploitation of limited natural resources for a foreign companys profit. There is a bit of truth to this. They note that the Great Lakes Compact requires that a diversion be primarily for residential customers, and in the case of the Racine diversion, the primary customer will be Foxconn. What is rarely mentioned is that these weather events, including more frequent droughts, warmer air temperatures, and even extreme weather events such as the flooding in the western portion of the Great Lakes basin this spring, are part of longer-term climate trends. The Great Lakes Water Authority has no jurisdiction in cases like this. According to that piece, some of the cities that are heading for a massive water crisis are not cities that you would normally think of, -Salt Lake City, Utah -Lincoln, Nebraska -Cleveland, Ohio -Miami, Florida -Atlanta, Georgia -Washington, D.C. -El Paso, Texas -San Antonio, Texas -San Francisco Bay Area, California -Houston, Texas, But those cities are far from alone. Nestle/Ice Mountains water pumping permit was reduced by almost half. But again, Prof. Henderson wasnt attempting to resolve all the issues, just spark a conversation and get comments like yours. In some areas of Texas, the water is gone completely. It has been estimated that the state of California only has a 20 year supply of fresh water left. She urged Great Lakes governors to focus on updating the compact. The Waukesha diversion of 8.2 million gallons (31 million liters) a day was especially controversial. China's current expenditure on its national eco-compensation programmes averaged $8 billion annually over the most recent five year period. Chicago does not have to return water to Lake Michigan as is required for other diversions. First, economic valuation of a region-specific, vital resource as a basis for negotiation generally ends very badly for the resource-holder. Manas Lake. Just ask residents of the Klamath Falls/Detroit Dam region in Oregon. The event put a spotlight on the vulnerability of laws barring diversions. Staff, Thumbwind. This water shortage is causing massive problems all over the state. Thanks for your comment. Helping people find their dream home since 1962. As states and counties squabble over their allotment of water in the coming years, hydroelectric plants (including the one on the Hoover Dam) could idle, and farmers are bracing for reduced crop production. A public resource. Decades ago, the Ogallala Aquifer had an average depth of approximately 240 feet but today the average depth is just 80 feet. Wonder if Wilkes can use the water at the dam and let the Chinese steal it, bottle it. NOAA last week forecast below-average precipitation for those regions this winter, meaning that after some relief during the past few months, the Southwests three-year drought is likely to redevelop and spread to the Southeast. What in the world is Barack Obama thinking? We refer to the reference definition of stealing as defined by Webster as to appropriate to oneself or beyond ones proper share. Nestle is taking advantage of Michigans $200 permit to offer farmers the ability to pump groundwater for irrigation, not for selling. It's located at exactly a divergent plate boundary, having spread apart so significantly over time that the lake is up to 79 kilometers (49 miles) wide, and has three separate basins to it. About half of Texas is experiencing moderate to severe drought.. Lisa Borre is a lake conservationist, freelance writer, and avid sailor. For much more on this, please see this article. According to satellite data, there are roughly 100 million lakes larger than one hectare (2.47 acres) to be found globally. However, given the stupefying absence of congressional compromise and the historic low regard even for SCOTUS, I would not risk Great Lakes security on any business or government extraction scheme. Create a free account and access your personalized content collection with our latest publications and analyses. Water diversions in the Great Lakes basin are regulated by appropriate state, provincial and federal government authorities. USACE forecasts Lakes Michigan and Huron to remain lower than normal for the next six months. The Great Lakes system includes five large lakes, one small lake, four connecting channels, and the St. Lawrence Seaway. Gary Wilson, Thanks Willi for your comment. what about this thero China is stealing our jobs and seling the products to wals marts. Experts have been quoted blaming the weather for low lake levels in everything from this blog to the New York Times and in NBC News reports, but as described in detail in a previous post about how climate change and variability drive water levels on the Great Lakes, just blaming the weather is not the full story. One would like to think Roosevelt-era leadership could succeed in this arena. According to the Seaway Corporation, traffic headed out the St. Lawrence River in 2012 carried 17,760 metric tons on average. We have no tolerance for comments containing violence, racism, profanity, vulgarity, doxing, or discourteous behavior. For the latest breaking news and updates in Ann Arbor and the surrounding area, see. As much as half the world's water supply is being stolen, with agriculture responsible for much of that, according to a new study. Rather than divert precious and fragile resources to prop up an ill-fitting lifestyle, residents of those regions would better support the national economy and national security either by adopting a lifestyle commensurate with the arid climate or relocating to a more-hydrated part of the country. Catch the latest drinking water updates with Great Lakes Nows biweekly headline roundup. The largest lakes, which rival the size of entire nations, are more of a rarity. Yamdrok Lake. John Lenters, a lake and climate scientist at the University of NebraskaLincoln, helped put some of these numbers in perspective in a previous post on the topic. Dave I suspect most in the region share your sentiments. The following is from an article in the Vancouver Sun. However, Nipigon Mayor Richard Harvey said he believes the request should not have been granted. Every day our ports are filled with imports from China, how many of these items make it to the consumer without being tested for toxic substances. The city of Waukesha in June 2016 was approved to divert water from Lake Michigan for its drinking water supply after eight representatives from the states that border the Great Lakes voted unanimously to allow the diversion. china stealing water from great lakes. China is the biggest consumer of Nestle, which sells several brands of bottled water and the plant is based in northern Michigan. The deal also supports a new foreign manufacturer, Foxconn, who came to the area due to the plan to divert Lake Michigan water to support an LCD manufacturing operation. Short of slowing or reversing global climate trends something that would require a major societal shift away from fossil fuel dependence, which few people seem to be talking about an adaptive approach to management of water levels is being promoted. Create, show and share your own buttons, posters, stickers, signs Rivers and lakes are important water resources, indispensable for human life and production; they also facilitate the material and energy cycle between the land and ocean, and their hydrochemical properties have important implications for human health, aquatic biota and ecosystem services [1,2].The chemical composition of water not only indicates surface weathering processes, but also reflects . Lakes Michigan and Huron, the hardest hit by extreme low water levels this past year, received the least rain last month and remain 19 inches below their long-term average. That about six quadrillions (6,000,000,000,000,000) gallons, enough to cover the entire lower 48 of the United States with over nine feet of water. There is strong evidence that in the future we will likely experience more extreme water levels both high and low that are outside the historical range experienced over the past century. Given the well-documented trends in the region, it would be difficult to show that human-induced climate change is not having an effect on lake levels. Rather than throwing up our arms in defeat or spending comparable amounts of money on inadequate attempts at a solution, why not engineer a fix that kills two birds with one stone? Images on this page may contain affiliate links in which we may receive a commission. China is the biggest consumer of Nestle, which sells several brands of bottled water and the plant is based in northern Michigan. Although the future is not certain, increases in temperature and alterations in patterns of precipitation are likely to affect water levels in the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River system. These kinds of proposals come up during high-water periods. Free shipping for many products! His calculation is based on the annual average rate, but he notes that the daily evaporation rate can be ten times higher during the late fall. In 2012, the Seaway Corporation logged 1,491 downbound transits through the Lake Ontario-Montreal section with a total cargo load of 18.9 million metric tons. In 2009 the Michigan Citizens for Water Conservation sued Nestle Waters North America/Ice Mountain. 15. 6. Theres no denying that we humans share some of the blame. One might expect the world's largest lakes to be very alike, but from depth to saline content, their properties can be quite different. When John Engler was governor of Michigan in 2001, he made an agreement with bottle water giant Nestle, allowing them to open a plant in Mecosta County. Free shipping for many products! We cant, we dont have the power to say no arbitrarily. Menu mayberry funeral home lewisburg, tn. Just check out how a recent Fresno Bee article described what is happening to Pine Flat Reservoir. He felt more creative solutions were needed and proposed in a Chicago Tribune column selling the excess water to regions in need. On average, Lake Superior loses 29 billion gallons of water PER DAY through evaporation, he told me. What were seeing in the climate records is these megadroughts, and they dont last a decadethey last 20 years, 30 years, maybe 60 years, and theyll be semi-continental in expanse, she told the Regina Leader-Post by phone from Vancouver. Minnesota quickly responded that there was not a scenario for the request to be approved but it demonstrated that water-needy states are looking at ways to tap Great Lakes-region water. From an engineering perspective and a geopolitical perspective, they are quite naive. These historic losses were never offset with mitigation measures. An out-of-court settlement was reached in 2009. The most prominent of the bills is the one designed to prohibit shipment of bottled water outside the Great Lakes basin. Get real. According to a U.S. government report, 36 states are already facing water shortages or will be facing water shortages within the next few years. He doesnt see the eight states revisiting the compact based on the current high water levels and thinks it would be foolish for the region to encourage outsiders to tap the Great Lakes. Corps measurements taken in January of 2013 show Lake Huron and Lake Michigan have reached their lowest ebb since record keeping began in 1918. The chief watershed hydrology expert warns Americans that Were in an extreme situation., So what is causing all of this? We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. 10. They cannot vote on U.S. diversion requests but must be consulted. However, most are farmers who irrigate their fields to grow crops. Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Avita, and Nestle have been operating in Michigan and surrounding states for over 15 years. Manage Settings Nestle, a company based in Switzerland, currently sucks up and exports up to 250 gallons a minute from a well in Evart, Michigan. This letter is in regards to NAFTA (North America Free Trade Agreement). Calls to Take Over Nestle Bottling Plant to Help in Flint Water Crisis, Nestle Named a Top Plastic Polluter in Canada, Lame Duck Governors Want to Weaken Great Lakes Compact, Canada Plans for a Nuclear Waste Dump on Lake Huron, Volunteering the Flint Water Crisis 5 Things I Learned, New Systems Monitor Great Lakes Algae Blooms including Michigans Saginaw Bay, High Levels of Arsenic in Michigan Water Wells. Moving water from Lake Michigan to farmers and communities in these places would make everyone better off, Henderson said. Required fields are marked *. Scv$35.00 at the best online prices at eBay! World Economic Forum articles may be republished in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License, and in accordance with our Terms of Use. It turns out that the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) is powerless to stop the foreign company from proceeding with its pumping. Office: 336-903-0060 Cell: 336-957-7600 Copyright 2001-2023, GoNC, Inc. All rights reserved. How The Current Congress' "Upcycled" Bills Claim To End The Federal Grasp On Education Is Actually Undermining Americans Once Again, Taking Sides: The Christian's Responsibility in Civic Affairs II, EgyptAir MS804 Flight Attendant posted Picture on Facebook of Plane crashing a year before She Died, Blue Angels Marine Pilot Capt. Annin directs the Burke Center for Freshwater Innovation at Northland College and Davis is a commissioner at Chicagos Metropolitan Water Reclamation District. A native of the Great Lakes region, she served as coordinator of the Lake Champlain Basin Program in the 1990s. No. (LogOut/ Water is absolutely a commodity that should be bought and sold, he said, and a futures market for water would help to get water where it is needed.. I am skeptical of this proposal. Holding only 16% of its capacity, Pine Flat is the best example of why there is high anxiety over the approaching wet season. They just assume that there will always be plenty of fresh water for all of us to use just like there always has been. In comparison, investment in natural solutions that could improve water quality by 10% in China's 30 fastest growing cities would cost about $300 million each year.