Well, first of all, the causes of slums in many principal cities of the world is that people come to the cities for more chances of getting a better live, but when they come, many of the places for living they cant afford them . The abuser of both women is the same man.In the movie, Jamal's love interest is Latika, a childhood friend from the slums who is forced into prostitution in Mumbai.After a separation of five years, Ram bumps into Salim on a Mumbai street. This was similar to Bruschke & Ricke's combined sofa and bathtub of the same period. No one would ever think that a slum-dog could end up winning that much money, and even less that he will earn it in Who Wants to be a Millionaire? Back on the game show, the host asks Jamal who invented the revolver. Resigned to his fate, the sacrifice he has made for his childhood friend, Salim fills a bathtub with money, the only reward for the life of a gangster, and gets into the tub with a revolver, prepared to meet his fate. Everything must be aimed at improving the quality of life, to try to reduce malnutrition in children, to seek incentives to improve their income. (LogOut/ The title in this movie give us a clear idea of what the story or movie will be about, when you read it you instantly know that it will be about a slum dog that became millionaire. The people who live in the slums do not live in houses, they live in shacks, not houses. The tv Host of the progamme who wants to be a millionaireis a famous guy who won that game and its rich. Jamal goes to the Who wants to be millionaire program show, because he wants Latika to see him. The differences between ours slum with the Mumbai slums that ours are bigger and they are in a lot of parts in Mumbai they are a lots too but the difference that are smaller than ours. Jamal does not leave, and Latika comes up behind Salim and tells him to leave. He fills the bathtub, because he knows that his boss will kill him, as he let go of Latika, which was one of his girls, and had practically a slave. During his entire life, Jamal Malik crossed through many difficulties but he could get through them and find a high live condition. This image will set the scene for Jamal's ascension, as he continues to be a lower-class character who manages to commune with greatness. Forget about her.". Here in lima happens something similar. Awards says Maman, telling them that Latika is a virgin worth a lot of money. Why Did Salim Fill The Bathtub With Money? Having no internal wars doesnt mean that local slums are safe. He then types the names "Latika" and "Salim" into the database. Salim raped Latika the night that he and Jamal rescued her from Maman. By doing that he made his brother and his girlfriend happy, kills the chief of the group of the mafi9a and get realised from his chains (of doing bad). They do have houses, but these houses cant be really called like such. This opportunity that he has to do a good thing, to not think himself and thinks in his brother that suffered at her side so small,. Salim shoots Javed and is himself gunned down. Where did Jamal get the $100 bill to give to Arvind? what did Salim do with the autograph that Jamal had gotten . The first difference is just that the Indian slum is located in a flat surface while here most slums are in the sides of the mountains and for that people who live there have to come up and down every day just to work. Why does Salim fill the bathtub with money? So the contrast between a slum dog and a millionaire is shocking because it is the completely opposite thing so it causes confusion and makes you want to see why the movie is called like that. The government must take action in this situation. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Why does Salim fill the bathtub with money? With his last breath, he utters the words . They see they need of surviving and start to work in streets to give some little thing to their families. In the most graphically violent scene of the movie, a young beggar boy is drugged and blinded with acid while unconscious. Salim makes that decision, because he realizes that it is their only chance to do the right thing and help his brother, Jamal and Latika also; because his life was full of egoism and evil ways and the most affected by those decisions were Jamal and Latika . | Isolation due to poverty Why or why not? When Javed hears Latika on the show and realizes that Salim has helped her escape, he and his men break down the bathroom door. How many Oscars did slumdog millionaire receive? The patch did the job for the time being, at least. They dont have the education and the material to keep forward and get away from their situation. Money clearly plays an important role in Slumdog Millionaire because it directly ties to the story's central plot device: the game show. But the problem is that most of them, act like Salim because it is the easiest way and also because getting into drugs and vices (for them) is the perfect way to go through the trauma they have from the left of their parents which is the cause of all this problem. Instead his brother did the same, but in the bad way, being in the mafia. The older boy leads an escape, Salim in the movie, Ram in the book.There is more on-screen violence in the movie than in the book. He finds some numbers for Salim and makes some calls trying to find his old friend. He wrote his own destiny. Why does he make this choice? As I said before, this title deals with predujice and discrimination tto people from the slums, and how they make their money. She then reveals herself to be Gudiya, from the chawl, whose father had suffered only a broken leg when Ram pushed him from the balcony, and who had stopped raping Gudiya after his fall.Gudiya gets him his prize money, Ram marries Nita, Salim becomes a movie star, and the crippled children are liberated from their imprisonment.In the movie, Jamal never carries a gun and never shoots or threatens anybody. He couldnt do anything to change it except for one thing. Read the Study Guide for Slumdog Millionaire, Portraying Persistence: The Importance of Cinematic Techniques in Slumdog Millionaire, Cultural Dimensions in Slumdog Millionaire, View Wikipedia Entries for Slumdog Millionaire. Impossible Dream: The impossible dream in the movie is it for Jamal, the man who plays who wants to be a millionaire? Because the bladder is sealing the drain opening, the water must go the. and he only played because he thought Latika (his true love) would see it and he could find her. ANSWER: There we can see that the destiny play a huge roll. I think that the producers give this name to the movie to attract the attention of the people because is strange. . Pierre, good work. When Maman tells the men to take Salim and Jamal away, Salim pulls out a gun and threatens Maman with it, ordering him to get on his knees, then telling the other men to get on their knees and demanding money from them. The Question and Answer section for Slumdog Millionaire is a great *the bathrooms are a small wooden box that goes into the river. In Lima also we didnt have gave a good formation to the poor children, that is why the poor children steal things. Sure enough, she shows, and the two finally a share a moment of peace together. Because when this happen a lot of people star losing their jobs so they have to live on this really poor places thats why I think the industrial revolution start and know you need to have a good education and this people cant get this so thats why most of them stay poor until they died. Meanwhile Salim wanders through the streets of the city, eventually finding a group of gangsters and asking after Javed Khan, their leader. Slumdog Millionaire won the 2009 Academy Award for Best Motion Picture. What do you take away as the most important or impression from the film? *it's really crowded. i would give him the wrong answer and finish with my anger that i have inside. He claimed that there was a tendency among boys to get very muscular, and they didn't seem like underdogs. There is no such scene in the book, although its possibility is suggested.For three years, from ages eleven through thirteen, Ram works as a daytime houseboy for a retired movie actress in her forties named Neelima Kumari. What does the title mean? He took everything his brother wanted and also abandoned him. How does the title and the contrast within it provide symbolic summary of the film? It means that Jamal was born in a slumdog family and he was poor, and by consecuence, the people of this same economic situation, had difficulties to get this type of beneficts because of racism, fear, etc. Salim discovered that the way of vices and wrong liberty takes you to the wrong ending, but he discovered it too late. We can see that Salim (the brother of Jamal) became a gangster. The title Means like two different words that don`t means anything together because slum mean like poor people and millionaire like a very rick people. Like the hero of the Oscar-winning film, Sushil Kumar used his wits to win a fortune - but one year on, his life has changed only a little. If they want to sell something in order to avoid stealing, they would need a small place to put the stuff; otherwise, they wouldnt sell too many things. In the final scene, Jamal meets Latika in a train station where they share a kiss. As we see in the movie most of the city of Mumbai is pure slums, but this place isnt the only one who is full of them, Lima is also one. The last think is that we cant solve this problem because we have no power in the country, but the person who can solve this problem is the president, like he is right now but he started in the other parts of Peru and then he is going to pass to Lima and he will solve problem. If India is presenting this show it indicates a signal of progress as the developed and industrialized countries in the world. The movie has many messages, but the one I think is the most important, is never lose the hope, because all is possible in this live. How does the title and the Show that soon or late, hardworking gives you a reward and vices just finishes with your life. Slumdog Millionaire is produced in Britain and hence its a British movie. Before he is very poor and he dont imagine that he would have 20 million rupees, for his is a dream. Boyle's daughter told him about Patel, who had a role on the British TV show Skins. he asks, and tells him that he had to leave the hotel all those years ago because Maman's men were searching for him. Publicado por Lissette en 19:40 In Peru, there is a predominance of poor and minority population where wealth is concentrated, causing a marked social polarity. Their journey takes them through some of the worst India has to offer its poor orphans. Looks like you're mixed up with both. This angular shooting, often in conjunction with very quick cuts, creates a playful and adventurous atmosphere in the storytelling, and makes the narrative seem very exciting. Why does he make this choice? Its your ticket off the reality. Jamal's interrogation is conducted by the police, before, not after, the last question. Jamal does not simply happen upon Latika accidentally, but his desire to find her leads him to her. by luck, should be your go to guess in most cases. Edit, Slumdog Millionaire is based on the bestselling novel Q and A by Indian diplomat Vikas Swarup. Its heavily implied but never confirmed that the reason why Salim wanted Jamal out of the room was because that he wanted Latika. Why does Salim fill the bathtub with money? Millionaire in this movie means sincerely loved. Once the caulk is applied and the tub drained, the caulk compresses. We can see that in Mumbai there is a lot of poverty, like in Lima, there are a lot of slums, traffic, and terrorism. So how does a Slum dog becomes a millionaire? Why did they blind the kid in Slumdog Millionaire? He then gives Jamal the wrong answer written on the mirror in the rest room. resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss thenovel. Well, the destiny was a really important theme in the movie, because the caste system says that if you born in a slum you are destined to be a super poor guy, without chance to be someone in live, but in the movie, we see that Jamal Malik goes again that law and finish being someone. The image of the boy covered in feces but holding a perfectly pristine photograph to be autographed is striking in the contrast between shiny Bollywood celebrity worship and a young slumdog literally covered in poop. So then they need to live in poor houses, slums. QUESTION: This film weaves together nightmare and impossible dream. The two words that we can see in the title are totally different for one reason slum is where poor people live and millionaire are rich people that is the contrast of the title. In the final scene, we see Salim and the choice he makes - filling the bathtub with money, etc. He is rescued from torture by a woman lawyer who calls herself Smita, and who listens to his explanations, given in the sequence of the relevant question number. When Salim gave the keys of his car and his telephone to Latika and tell her to run away free, He asks Latika to for give him for all the bad things he made in the past. (A) Aramis, (B) Cardinal Richelieu, (C) D'Artagnan, or (D) Planchet.Answers: (1) A; (2) A; (3) D; (4) A; (5) C; (6) A; (7) D; (8) D; (9) A. Actually, his poverty made him rich; its pretty ironic. They are focusing on meaningless things like paying more politicians to complete all the political parties when they dont realize that most part of the country needs urgent economical and moral help. resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss thenovel. He teach to the kids a song and the kids need to go to the street and recollect money and then the money is going to Maman but the thing that is worst is that Maman hurt the kids because if one kid dont is blind you are going to give him money because you are going to feel bad. Then what is wrong from the goverment is that they think that giving food and water and elctricity would stop the phenomena of the big massive poblation of slums, but they are wrong, actually giving that to the people, would make us believe that everything rain from the clouds, because if you have everything that is essencial to live and is free why i have to do, work? In my opinion the tv owners of this programmes need to change this kind of people and bring fair people, with fair rules and without that descrimination. But then again, Jamal doesn't care any less about her (on the account of the misfortune she live with), as long as he has her by his side, never to part again. what does the title mean? The scene shifts back to the policemen's office. What do you think should be done about this problem? We should make people realize that these people are also human beings and we should help them.