All Rights Reserved. The well marks an important milestone in Senegals first offshore oil development and is the first in a three-year program. McClanachan adds: There was an meg o'neill woodside familypapa smurf tattoo. cost) every 4 weeks unless cancelled as per full Terms and Conditions. through choreography, costume and Originally from Bolder, Colorado, Meg O'Neill was brought in by Coleman in 2018 from Exxon where they had both worked. Members and supporters and family of Woodsiders to help out As the first female chief executive of one of Australias biggest oil and gas producers, Meg ONeill has had a landmark year, pulling off a $63 billion mega-merger with BHPs petroleum division and putting the world-scale company on the path to decarbonisation. another big night for Spectrum; only a Another of Megs hallmarks is her frequent reference to courage which she wants Woodsiders to demonstrate. We recognise the many contributions Indigenous people make to our business, as community members and employees. Chair of the Nominations & Governance Committee. Subscribe to one of our plans to get the best price over 12 months. Drilling of the first well in the Sangomar Phase One Development has begun and was well on the way to completion as Trunkline went to Press in late September. Biography of Meg O'Neill. Learn more. Meet Meg O'Neill, Woodside CEO and Managing Director. See full details. See for full details. An exhibition supported by Woodside opened in Q3, displaying stunning Indigenous artworks by 16 Roebourne artists a testament to the vibrancy of this community. chief financial officer Sherry Duhe and Member of the Human Resources & Compensation, Sustainability and Nominations & Governance Committees, Chair: Nanyang Technological University (since 2021), Singapore Institute for Human Resource Professionals (since 2016) and the National Arts Council Singapore (since 2019), Director:Carbon Solutions Holdings Pte Ltd (since 2022), Carbon Solutions Investments Pte Ltd (since 2022), Carbon Solutions Platform Pte Ltd (since 2022),Carbon Solutions Services Pte Ltd (since 2022), JTC Corporation (since 2022), Singapore Airlines Ltd (since 2019) and Singapore Power Ltd (since 2019), Member: Singapore Legal Services Commission,Centre for Liveable Cities Advisory Panel, Singapore Research, Innovation and Enterprise Council, President: Global Compact Network Singapore. in November as the community Graham has held significant financial, commercial and leadership roles across a range of business sectors, including minerals and oil and gas. View upcoming events in the Woodside Energy investors calendar and keep up to date with the latest shareholder announcements and news. Prior to this, Matthew has held various senior roles in both the conventional and shalebusinesses, and was the Vice President of Health, Safety, Environment and Community, and the Joint Interest Unit Manager Bass Strait. Chair of the Sustainability Committee. Spectrum was launched in 2016 to on because certain people dont feel Two key factors persuaded her it was time for a change. Watch and listen to a variety of WA true crime series, video channels and podcasts with commentary on news, politics and current affairs. If theres talent that were missing out "Today we welcomed Meg O'Neill as Acting CEO as Peter Coleman's decade at Woodside draws to a close. Woodside CEO Meg O'Neill - Credit: Woodside. Woodside Energy CEO Meg O'Neill is at the pinnacle of her career. Prices after the first 12 months may be varied as per full Terms and Conditions. We provide energy the world needs to heat and cool homes, keep lights on and enable industry. By Peter Milne. Prices after the first 12 months may be varied as per full Terms and Conditions. Meg ONeill was appointed Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director on 17 August 2021. The water depth is between 900m and 1.4 km, and the wells will be drilled from seabed through the different rock formations until they reach the reservoir rock around 2.5 km below sea level. Mark also holds a Master of Philosophy in Finance from the University of Cambridge, and a Bachelor of Economics (1.Hons) and MBA from the University of Western Australia. Its a garden spot in the oil and gas world.. The boss of the oil and gas explorer, Meg ONeill, has been caught up in a spate of car thefts after her Maserati and Jeep were stolen from her beachside Perth mansion. the Australian Ally Conference at Curtin organisations, including Chevron and The company is aiming to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 but has a number of growth projects in the pipeline, with a final investment decision expected this year on its Trion deepwater oil project off the coast of Mexico. Three men have been arrested for allegedly breaking in to the home of Woodside boss Meg O'Neill - and taking two luxury cars worth more than $200,000. Georgia noted that not only does Spectrum advocate for inclusion at Woodside head office, but members have personally taken the LGBTI+ inclusion conversation to remote sites, international offices and the external community, including universities, government agencies and business partners. Fair Play: Georgia McClanachan, Kimberly Walpot, Meg ONeill and Christine Forster proudly display the award won by Woodside for supporting LGBTI staff through Spectrum. PrideFest. Director: Aurizon Holdings (since 2019), OZ Minerals (since 2021) , Viva Energy Group Ltd (since 2018)and Future Battery Industries Co-operative Research Centre (since 2020). Julie graduated from the For all the detractors of the petroleum sector more broadly, ONeill, named one of The Australian Financial Review Business People of the Year, is holding firm at the helm of what is now a global top-10 independent oil and gas company in a turbulent sector that has been thrown into the public glare due to Russias invasion of Ukraine and the price crisis that is hammering consumers. We pay our respects to ancestors and elders - past, present and emerging. View upcoming events in the Woodside Energy investors calendar and keep up to date with the latest shareholder announcements and news. Chief Executive Officer Meg O'Neill said while she expects Chinese economic activity to pick up as the year progresses, it . Owner Malcolm Pages linked the sneakers to eshays and said they were associated with a 'tough guy' attitude. Not in conjunction with any other offer. The Maserati was found abandoned on the Kwinana Freeway in Baldivis. Julie has 29 years 38-year career with Shell including as Executive Vice President, Upstream Major Projects within Shells Projects and Technology Business, General Manager of Shells operations in Syria and a secondment as Managing Director of Nigeria LNG Ltd. From 1999 to 2002 Dr Haynes was seconded to Woodside as General Manager of the North West Shelf Venture. And if we at Woodside look back on our past, there are times when weve absolutely demonstrated that courage. anengineer with Shell Refining Australia. cultural change. Member of the Audit & Risk and Nominations & Governance Committees. Dr Haynes retired from Shell in2011. She assumed this position in May 2018 and is responsible for Woodside's global logistics, drilling, production, HSEQ, reservoir management and the operations of all Woodside producing facilities. Woodside acknowledges Indigenous people's connections to land, water and community. Gained significant experience in a diverse range of industries, including oil and gas, consumer goods and IT. Tony was appointed in 2022 to lead Strategy & Climate for Woodside Energy. Not in conjunction with any other offer. Meg ONeill was appointed as Chief Executive Officer on 17 August 2021. Incoming Spectrum co-chairs James and Sean said they were honoured to attend the awards and described Woodsides award as awesome recognition of the efforts of Georgia, Kimberly and the Spectrum committee over the past two years. It also explains how you can access or seek correction of your personal information, how you can complain about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles and how we will deal with a complaint of that nature. Graham holds a Bachelor of Business in Accounting and Finance from Edith Cowan University in Western Australia, and is a Fellow of the Australian Society of Certified Practising Accountants. Connolly were among the participants. their journey.. I think we can have a little bit more courage and well have a better workplace. Allow up to 5 days for home delivery to commence (10 days in WA). We pay our respects to ancestors and elders - past, present and emerging. More than 120 people from Woodside Ms O'Neill succeeds Peter Coleman who retired from Woodside in June 2021. The focus is on getting each hole section right first time.. Now, were looking to advertise that View upcoming events in the Woodside Energy investors calendar and keep up to date with the latest shareholder announcements and news. Hanson-Young asked representatives of two of Australia's peak industry bodies if they were worried that cashed-up coal and gas companies would "hoover up" offsets, so imposing a greater burden on other sectors. B y Sonali Paul. She spent a large part of her career with BP in upstream and downstream leadership roles including serving as the CFO for BP Trinidad and Tobago and BPs global lubricants businessCastrol. We provide energy the world needs to heat and cool homes, keep lights on and enable industry. Linked companies : Woodside Energy Group Ltd. Before joining Woodside, Utsler held the . address that.. And living right on the coast is fantastic. The beefed-up balance sheet further swelled by this years surge in LNG prices after the war in Ukraine paves the way for investments needed in new energies, including carbon capture and storage, to mitigate the climate impact of its biggest products. Find out more about our commitments, principles and practices. Weve got a newsletter for everyone. Jacky notes: We dont discriminate Meg previously held senior leadership roles in ExxonMobils Production Company in Indonesia, Norway and Canada. Country of residence : Unknown. Prior to joining Woodside . Just like rival Santos, Woodside Energy (ASX:WDS) more than tripled full-year net profit for 2022 thanks to the impact of the Russian invasion of Ukraine a year ago and the added capacity from a merger - in this case last June's takeover of BHP's petroleum business. Woodsides headquarters, was lit up Colleagues become close friends and, in the Pilbara, they're considered surrogate family. He is passionate about technology and innovation and the role they play in enabling business outcomes. I honestly have not felt that proud of The proposed merger between Woodside and BHPs petroleum business has been described as company changing and transformational. Grahams strong technical and financial capability equips him to oversee complex commercial issues, reporting across multiple regulatory jurisdictions (including Sarbanes-Oxley), engaging Auditors and working with the Board. She enjoyed an outdoors lifestyle and as with most Americans seeking a university education, the impetus was to leave home and experience a new environment. Their father was an electrical engineer-cum-entrepreneur with 20-plus patents to his name, her mother a communications professional. Ms O'Neill (pictured) was appointed CEO of Woodside Energy in August 2021 after previously working with Exxon in Texas WA Police Force Commissioner Col Blanch on Tuesday pushed back on the. Meg O'Neill is a leading contender for the top job. Woodsides LGBTI employee network was in good company with the shortlisted nominees including Carlton and United Breweries, ME Bank, Maurice Blackburn Lawyers, Vodafone, Flourish Australia and Woolworths Group. Please call us on 1800 070 535 and well help resolve the issue or try again later. [1] It is a public company listed on the Australian Securities Exchange and has its headquarters in Perth, Western Australia. Meg joined Woodside in May 2018 as Chief Operations Officer, responsible for Woodsides producing facilities, and supporting production, logistics, drilling, HSEQ and reservoir management activities. couple of weeks earlier, the community Megs recent experience also includes her role as Executive Advisor to the Chairman of Exxon Mobil Corporation in 2016. Our Privacy Policy includes important information about our collection, use and disclosure of your personal information (including to provide you with targeted advertising based on your online activities). explains. The Australian LGBTI awards showcase individuals and organisations that have demonstrated an outstanding commitment to the LGBTI community in the belief that those who go the extra mile to ensure equality, opportunity and fair treatment for all regardless of sexuality, gender identity, or intersex experience deserve to be recognised. Meg O'Neill sees Woodside's gas good times rolling to 2050. Meet Meg O'Neill, Woodside CEO and Managing Director. Earlier in his career, Tony held the role of Assistant Director of the Australian Institute of Petroleum, and was a Media Relations and Policy Adviser before becoming Principal Adviser to then Premier of Victoria, The Hon Jeff Kennett MP. Marguerite O'Neill, consejera delegada y directora general, declar: "As que, por supuesto . What Meg brings is a common sense, no-nonsense approach to how to go about doing things, he says, adding that Woodside in the past may sometimes have been a little bit too clever for its own good. Payment will be charged to your Google Account. Romano Sala Tenna at longstanding Woodside investor Katana Asset Management pays tribute to ONeills straightforward approach in cementing the BHP deal and other initiatives. Andy reports that the drilling has been widely featured in local radio and print media. She also served as a Non-Executive Director and member of the Audit, Remuneration and Nominations committees of the Mumbai Stock Exchange listed Castrol India between 2017 and 2018.
Our three strategic pillars oil, gas and new energy each have a role to play. and businesses. With only 249,000 births compared with 373,000 deaths last year, the population is now projected to fall by 53 per cent to 24 million in 2100 which is a faster decline from 43 per cent projected in 2019. Utsler has more than 35 years' global experience in the upstream oil and gas industry. Louie Douvis "I always want to learn, I always want to grow, I always want to challenge myself, and I guess there. Renewals occur unless cancelled in accordance with the full Terms and Conditions. Woodside acknowledges Indigenous people's connections to land, water and community. Meg O'Neill is gearing up for a marathon. Breaking news, sport, business and more. Each payment, once made, is non-refundable, subject to law. hi-vis clothing, wearing rainbow makeup and glitter-decorated helmets and Perths lifestyle is hard to top, she enthuses. (Bloomberg) - Woodside Energy Group Ltd. sees a "finely balanced" market for liquified natural gas (LNG) in 2023 after a price rally . through the Perth entertainment district Not in conjunction with any other offer. We recognise the many contributions Indigenous people make to our business, as community members and employees. You have to be adaptable, but you have to recognise that this role is a marathon not a sprint, so you have to make sure you take care of yourself, eat well, get adequate sleep and take some exercise.. For full details, see our Terms and Conditions culminated in a drag performance. We are a global energy company, founded in Australia with a spirit of innovation and determination. Get the news you want delivered to your inbox. Everything Im doing builds on what my predecessors have done, she continues. Member of the Audit & Risk, Sustainability and Nominations & GovernanceCommittees. That has been central to our strategy this year and it will continue to be.. Capability, says: It was a real honour to Class Honours) and is a fellow of the Institution of Chemical Engineers. Mark has held a number of senior positions at Woodside, including Executive Adviser to the Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, Vice President and Group Financial Controller, and Vice President Marketing, Trading and Shipping. and design., And Spectrum co-chair Georgia Previously, Meg held senior roles for ExxonMobil, including regional production and development leadership positions, and country leadership positions in Norway and Canada. Woodside acknowledges Indigenous people's connections to land, water and community. Woodside Petroleum's biggest hydrogen investment in Australia to date, a $1 billion plant south of Perth, will expand gradually to meet demand from customers in Asia, chief executive Meg O'Neill said. Prices after the introductory pricing period may be varied in accordance with the full Terms and Conditions. Three men have been arrested for allegedly breaking in to the home of Woodside boss Meg O'Neill - and taking two luxury cars worth more than $200,000. Andy was appointed to lead Exploration & Development for Woodside Energy in 2022, responsible for delivering a global portfolio of growth options. Log in, register or subscribe to save articles . Previously, Matthew held the position of Vice President of Major Developments at BHP Petroleum with accountability for Petroleums worldwide operated and non-operated major development activities and all operated well and seismic delivery activities. Descriptive, diagnostic and predictive data analytics applications to solve various production and flow assurance problems in Block 2B in Sudan- 2B OPCO. Sarah Liversidge For Daily Mail Australia
Learn more. Its hard to look beyond Woodsides merger with BHPs petroleum business, which happened in June, as the highlight of 2022, ONeill tells The Australian Financial Review, calling the work a team effort that she is proud to have been part of. Learn more. See full details. by Corporate Affairs, Security and Allow up to 5 days for home delivery to commence (10 days in WA). But having served in the role in an acting capacity since April, she already has several months experience under her belt and a good feel for whats ahead. The Australian Digital + 6 Day Paper Subscription 12 Month Plan costs $780 (min. They have achieved the delicate balance of inclusion and advocacy in an emerging area of cultural change for the resources industry in Western Australia, she added. Subscription automatically renews at least 24 hours before the end of the current billing period. Woodside Energy boss Meg O'Neill's City Beach home broken into and cars stolen Phil Hickey The West Australian Thu, 12 January 2023 4:30AM One of WA's top businesswomen was the victim of a burglary this week in which a Maserati sports car and a Jeep Cherokee were stolen from her luxury beachside home. with the choreography, music, painting And better outcomes, even if the road is long and at times a little bumpy, is what Meg ONeill is aiming for. Spectrums members have demonstrated a personal commitment to making a change in the workplace to create an environment where everyone feels comfortable bringing their authentic selves to work every day, she pointed out. comfortable here, then we need to Supported by its widening range of LNG customers, Woodside has also doubled down on its conviction that gas will play a vital role in the transition to low-carbon energy, particularly in its primary target market of energy-hungry north Asia. Meg has been appointed Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of Woodside, having joined the company in May 2018.