If a sober living facility is providing licensable services, you can file a complaint with DHCS and an investigation may be opened.
Agency: California Department of Public Health.
COVID 19 Information Line:
The California Department of Public Health, Center for Health Care Quality, Licensing and Certification (L&C) Program licenses and/or certifies more than 30 types of healthcare facilities in California.
Unauthorized or improper use of this system may result in administrative disciplinary action and/or criminal penalties. Ting Vit, About Us
Are you enrolled in Medi-Cal? For General Public Information: (916) 558-1784.
Click here to find SNFs in your area and to see the State's most recent inspection of these facilities.
The Licensing and Certification(L&C) Program is responsible for regulatory oversight of licensed health care facilities and health care professionals to assess the safety, effectiveness, and quality of health carefor all Californians. Beginning on January 1, 2020, DHCS will pay Medi-Cal providers $29 per trauma screening for children and adults with Medi-Cal coverage.
Residential & Outpatient Licensed and/or Certified Facilities List, Temporary Suspension Order, Revoked and Notice of Operation in Violation of Program List, Access Health Care Language Assistance Services (SB 223).
Decrease, Reset
By continuing to use this system, you indicate your awareness .
Licensing and Certification Program.
The Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) ensures the provision of quality treatment through the enforcement of standards for professional and safe treatment. |
If you need to speak with the California Department of Public Health duty officer relating to a situationwhich poses an immediate health risk, please call (916) 328-3605, PO Box 997377
The California Department of Public Health, Center for Health Care Quality, Licensing and Certification (L&C) Program licenses and/or certifies more than 30 types of healthcare facilities in California.
COVID 19 Information Line: 1-833-4CA4ALL (1-833-422-4255) Jobs/Careers . Give your local county office your updated contact information so you can stay enrolled.
During certificate/permit renewal processing.
Names will appear more than once for holders of multiple certificates.
The following reports can be accessed byvisiting the
EMAIL: cna@cdph.ca.gov . If you wish to file a complaint about a licensed, certified AOD drug service provider OR a registered or certified counselor you can do so via mail, fax, or by using the online
LCD oversees licensing and certification functions, monitoring, and complaints for Driving-Under-the-Influence Programs, Narcotic Treatment Programs, and outpatient and residential providers.
Are you enrolled in Medi-Cal?
Please note: Due to the fast-evolving nature of COVID-19, guidance is fluid and may change frequently.
Contact the Office of the Patient Advocate for more information.
Our survey teams also consider compliance with federal statutes if the facilities receive Medicare or Medi-Cal reimbursement.
Mienh waac
The Professional Certification Branch administers the certification of nurse assistants (CNAs), home health aides (HHAs), and hemodialysis technicians (CHTs) and conducts investigations of complaints against them.
The Licensing and Certification (L&C) Program is responsible for regulatory oversight of licensed health care facilities and health care professionals to assess the safety, effectiveness, and quality of health care for all Californians.
In order to narrow the query results,
There are some residential facilities that do not provide AOD services and do not require licensure by the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS).
click here to send
Complaints for Residential Adult Alcoholism or Drug Abuse Recovery or Treatment Facilities may also be made by telephoning the appropriate licensing branch listed below: Public Number: (916) 322-2911Toll Free Number: (877) 685-8333
The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) is identifying the prevalence of circulating SARS-CoV-2 variants by analyzing CDPH Genomic Surveillance Data and CalREDIE,.
You may contact the NTP Branch: Public Number: (916) 322-6682Fax Number: (916) 440-5230Complaint Form.
Primary care clinics are required to be licensed through the authority of the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Licensing & Certification Program (L&C). Visit the California Department of Public Health for vector control technician certification information.
This data contains a list of California Licensing and Certification District Offices. | Careers
As of September 2010, query options for CNA, HHA and CHT have been updated to
PO Box 997377
LCD oversees licensing and certification functions, monitoring, and complaints for Driving-Under-the-Influence Programs, Narcotic Treatment Programs, and outpatient and residential providers.
Previously, a lead associate analyst on the addiction .
Please contact yourCounty Public Health Department,assistance linesare available.
LCD also oversees conducts complaint investigations on certified Alcohol and Other Drug counselors and counselor certification.
| Accessibility Certification, Last modified date:
It is common for sober living homes to hold a weekly meeting to address issues in the home and/or to resolve conflicts amongst roommates.
(916) 558-1784, COVID 19 Information Line:
The authorization is valid based upon the new expiration date and only while it is attached to the expired certificate/permit.
Box 997413MS# 2601Sacramento, CA 95899-7413, Public Number: (916) 322-2911Fax form to: (916) 440-5094Complaint Form,
The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) works to protect the public's health in the Golden State and helps shape positive health outcomes for individuals, families and
Cost of copy: $14.00 Address: CA Department of Public Health - Vital Records MS: 5103 P.O.