John comments that Arthur has always had his back to which Arthur responds, "Maybe not always." In Arthurs journal he reveals he has always liked John and that he has become less of a "fool" than he used to be. He doesn't work on jobs or engages in any killings of any kind. Arthur interacts with Mary-Beth, where the two share anecdotes of their past, before Miss Grimshaw comes up to Arthur to tell him that Tilly has gone missing. Sadie would succeed Arthur in helping John to start his family life by helping him earn money through bounty hunting. Sean, the bastard thats dragged him along that evening, skips past him to sit in the booth behind her. Just the mention of her portrait puts Arthur years in the past, right to the very night the two shared. Mary-Beth's long-dead muse for an unfinished book suddenly comes back to life. "What? Arthur can have polite conversations with Molly. I never got to dance with Mary-Beth. Upon giving her the Harmonica, Arthur comments that he would love to hear her play sometime, but Sadie tells him that she only ever played the Harmonica for her husband and would rather keep it that way, but thanks him and leaves some Gun Oil at his tent to show her appreciation. However, Trelawny is very useful and a pleasant person to be around. Late in the game Arthur is forced to go with Eagles Flies, along with the rest of the Van der Linde gang, to attack Cornwall's oil facility. Thankfully, a group of people have picked you up, given you food and shelter and only asked for a small contribution in the form of basic housekeeping (more like camp keeping) in return. I used to write a lot for Supernatural (the TV show). Hosea summed up his relationship with Dutch and Arthur as "the curious couple with their unruly child." Furthermore, Arthur reveals that he broke him out of prison because he cared for him, rather than for just Abigail's or Jack's sake. Arthur can have positive conversations with her, and at one point both of them discuss about how much they love to write, with Mary-Beth preferring to write stories and Arthur preferring to write his experiences in his journal, they both bond slightly over this shared interest. A few years later Abigail finds out that Jack can remember Arthur and believes that it was Arthur that saved them, Abigail confirms this and says that, "None of us would be here today if it wasn't for Arthur." Set in Chapter 4: 'Saint Denis' of Red Dead Redemption 2 after the death of Kieran Duffy. Now, the fate once again brought the two of you together. Mary and Arthur reunite when she sends him a letter to come meet her outside of Valentine, and asking for his help in getting her brother away from Chelonia, and later again in Saint Denis, this time with her father. Will buy you your own journal so you dont have to draw on scraps of paper. Arthur got on with Tilly very well, much like the other women around camp. Charles taught Arthur how to hunt early in the story when Pearson complained that there wasn't enough food. At the camp Bill can ask Arthur for some hair pomade and in return will leave Arthur repeater ammo beside his tent. Arthurs there, patiently brushing and plaiting the mane of his newest mount, a tall dappled grey thoroughbred. Arthur would visit every few months and stay with Eliza and Isaac for days at a time. Once it becomes apparent that Arthur is sick, through his persistent coughing, Micah starts to regularly mock him and refers to him as "black lung". Despite this, he agrees to work with Arthur for his people's sake. At the start of the story Kieran is held prisoner by the gang and was mostly tied to a tree. Bill would try and rib Arthur for the shootout that occurred in Valentine that put a temporary halt on his, and Karen's, plan to rob the bank. He's even avoiding Abigail so she tries to get an answer out of him. The first time he sees Abigail, shes sitting perched on a bright red vinyl booth seat dressed in cut-off shorts that are so short he can see the curve of her ass cheeks and wearing a cropped pink tee that proudly proclaims SAVE A HORSE, RIDE A COWBOY. Karen is also one of the few women that carries out guard duties, which Arthur respects her for. He tells both her and Abigail that they are the best women he has ever known and bids an emotional farewell. Throughout the game, at camp, Swanson often goes to Arthur to speak about his tendency to drink too much and his insecurities about the events taking place, asking Arthur at one point if the Pinkertons are finally going to kill them, Arthur responds that they probably will with Swanson expressing his worry. An indication of how much his relationship with John has evolved. During a random stagecoach robbery Micah Bell speculates that John could be turning on the gang and points out the doubts Arthur has of him, but Arthur retorts that hes known him for so long that he has no doubts, showing that, despite what John had done in the past, and how Arthur felt about it, he still knows John would never betray the gang. Aint you the prettiest lady ever?. John shook his head, Hes the strangest man., Abigail smirked, Ye have to admit, the crops were better than ever last year. When the gang starts to fall apart Arthur can tell Uncle that he should leave before its too late. It was your third week with this group of people. Nonetheless, being Dutch's girlfriend Molly had Arthur's respect and she in return. Arthur met Mary at a young age whilst he rode with the Van der Linde gang. She can also reprimand Arthur if he doesn't pay into the Tithing Box for a while. Arthur mentions Eliza when conversing with Rains Fall, admitting that the incident caused him to believe he has no right to expect good things to happen to him because of the life he has led. Their relationship is actually one of the best plot lines in RDR2. Im really into this fandom right now (after finishing both RDR1 and RDR2 (currently on my second play through)) so I wanted to start writing for it. Arthur and Sadie worked on jobs with each other, specifically rescuing John from prison. They will ultimately succeed in this, however. Based on this request: can you write imagines for Arthur, Sean and Charles with a non-English speaking immigrant reader? ", but when he screws things up he is lampooned for it. After giving her the pocket mirror Molly will start leaving him a cigar at his tent. Arthur left a big impact on Sadie and she was grateful for his efforts to help her, as well as the Marston family. Abigail Roberts.Arthur Morgan.John Marston.Three people.Two who have been in each others' lives for what seems like forever.One who came in and changed everything.Highs and lows that seemed lower than possible.No matter what though, no matter what will happen in all three of their lives,they'll be there for each other. They find two of Cornwall's men and go to stealth kill them, only for Uncle to fumble it and Arthur is then forced to save him. If John tells Joe that Arthur died, he will show a small amount of sympathy. This is their story. They both robbed a homestead and went fishing together, with Javier providing some tips and bait to help Arthur's fishing woes. He emotionally tells Dutch that he "gave him all he had." The gang was able to barter with Bronte for the return of Jack, much to Abigail's relief who emotionally thanked Arthur and the others. Arthur and Trelawny work together to rob Miss Damsen's stagecoach, either with stealth or brute force depending on the player. Despite this, the two work well together and Arthur can have pleasant conversations with him around camp. One of the motives for Arthur rescuing John from Sisika Penitentiary was for her and Jack, but also because John had begun to show that he does care for Abigail and Jack greatly, indicating that Arthur prioritises their well-being. 2), Also it's up to you if you want this to be an & fic or a / fic. At camp Arthur can have conversations with her about his life and the things he does, and in response she will provide support and comfort for Arthur. Been teaching Jack how to use a hammer today, his journal read. They shared similar beliefs and principles, albeit Charles was a little bit more moral than him, at one point he berates Arthur for being willing to send a German family on their way after having a family member kidnapped by the Lemoyne Raiders. In doing so, he must think long and hard about the family hes got, and the family he secretly wishes for. Whos my good girl? Jack can ask Arthur to get Abigail's Thimble and a Penny Dreadful book, showing he goes to Arthur when he is in need of something, in return for the Thimble he will give you a drawing, for the book he will regularly leave Candy Bars at Arthur's tent. Is the horse the only thing hes bringing back? It is around this time that Dutch begins to negatively influence Eagle Flies to fight the U.S Army, to the worry of Arthur and his fellow gang member, and friend, Charles Smith. Kind of the way he's supposed to be dumb but he's obviously not. They both take each others hands and Abigail says she has always been a good thief to which Arthur acknowledges, giving one final, emotional, goodbye before departing. Some stories will be one-shots, others might have a sequel. Despite Sadie's insistence and his sympathy with her, Arthur will say revenge would be no good for them for the time being. Mary-beth x reader. Summary: Mary Beth want to confess her feelings for you, but she's nervous. Arthur is filled with remorse over this, with Kieran having saved his life once but Arthur having been unable to save his. Arthur admired and respected Hamish greatly because of the way he has lived his life, despite his prosthetic leg. Later in the game she is kidnapped by the Foreman Brothers who she used to run with before she joined the Van der Linde gang. When Arthur approaches her, Sadie will express to him angrily that she would kill every O'Driscoll to avenge her husband and herself. Like just a dramatic retelling of events. After sharing a dance with him during Sean's coming home party, Mary-Beth realizes she can contain herself no longer. I thought that's sweet, don't you?". And it was raining so I danced with Karen in the rain, awww. Whilst at camp Javier can ask Arthur to find him some Oleander, and in return he will regularly leave throwing knives at his tent. She is also one of the members that can come up to Arthur for a chat, specifically concerning Karen and her drinking habits. However, Micah's skill as a shooterperhaps makes Arthur even more concerned about his influence on Dutch. What? One of the strongest aspects of Red Dead Redemption 2 is its ability to weave complex, multifaceted characters. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Arthur saw Hosea as a father figure, much like Dutch, and looked up to him. "Mary-Beth," he rumbles in reply, the depth of his voice thick with liquor and the cigarette he's nursing. Initially, Arthur was antagonistic, and arguably cruel, towards Kieran because he had originally been an O'Driscoll at the time Arthur captured him. Red Dead Redemption 2 is an epic tale of life in Americas unforgiving heartland. I have been working on this for quite some time, so I decided to share it. Navigating the strangeness of waking up in a different century soon takes a spot on the back burner when a ghost from the past begins to threaten the ranch. Sean interpreted this as proof that Arthur and the gang missed him with Arthur not wholeheartedly disputing this. When the camp is celebrating Sean's return she can ask Arthur for a dance. The fight ends with Sadie killing the O'Driscoll's last leader and opening up to him about how much she misses her husband. She is respected enough by Arthur that he, as well as Bill and Lenny, were happy enough for her to come along on a bank job in Valentine where she showed she is a capable gunslinger by holding people up inside the bank and shooting at the law when the gang were escaping. I thought Mary Linton was a good person. Honestly that shit was god damn real as it gets if you've been there. Arthur's insistence on the matter infuriates Dutch but he hides this and feigns indulgence to Arthur's pleas, and says he will let John and his family leave after this last job. A drunken Molly falsely claimed to have ratted on the gang when they moved to Beaver Hollow. /r/RedDeadRedemption - A subreddit dedicated to Red Dead Redemption & Red Dead Redemption 2, developed by Rockstar Games, the creators behind the Grand Theft Auto series. On the way back, with the gang having pretty much fallen apart, Arthur sends Abigail and Sadie away whilst he confronts Micah. Mary Beth flushes and buries her head in her hands. Arthur was Leopold Strauss' strongman when he loaned out money to desperate people. Mary Beth flushes and buries her head in her hands. Hamish is perhaps the only person in the game Arthur builds an authentic and genuine friendship with, Arthur never mocks Hamish and enjoys his company in spite of Arthur's reclusiveness trait. They escape into the forest and the gang splits up, with Arthur going with Uncle. Arthur and Charles were very good friends. Nope. Regardless of the player's choices, Arthur and Micah will have one last fight, either a knife fight or a fistfight. Hosea gave him a look over the fire, a soft, heartbroken thing, but Arthur could find no remorse within him to give. The player can chose how Arthur felt about Mickey. Despite this, Arthur is, occasionally, willing to follow him. Though Sean frequently annoyed Arthur, he was greatly saddened when Sean was killed in an ambush by the Grays, affectionately saying what fun times they had together and that he never realised how much he actually cared about him until he was dead. They ride out together, killing any pursuers, with Arthur having successfully found evidence of Cornwall's intentions. At camp Lenny can play Five Finger Fillet and Poker with Arthur. I thought thats sweet, dont you?. I think people want to blame her for Arthur's apparent low self esteem but I think that is mostly a self depreciating sense of humor. You were picking up some stuff here and there from the listening to camp members talk. Arthur then dies and, depending on his honor level, it will either be from Micah killing him or peacefully succumbing to his tuberculosis. Arthur has the choice to either let him live or kill him. "Who would you choose, I bet you'd choose Arthur," Mary-Beth said dreamily. Hosea can occasionally come up to Arthur and talk to him around camp. Even admitting that he likes Hosea more. The games vast and atmospheric world will also provide the foundation for a brand new online multiplayer experience. He's taken to bed and the Van der lin women begin to reat him. They were smitten with each otherbut prevalent circumstances, such as Arthur's loyalty to the gang and the disapproval of the relationship by Mary's family, particularlyher father, caused their relationship to fall through and they wouldn't see each other again for a long time. After getting the dynamite for an upcoming heist Arthur tells John that whatever happens during the robbery, and wherever Dutch goes, he will get him the money he needs and get out of this life. Tilly is also very kind to Arthur, frequently expressing concern for him as his health begins to deteriorate and wishing he'd take better care of himself. In the epilogue, Rains Fall tells John how he respected Arthur for helping him and both briefly more than him. It was Trelawny's intel that helped the gang locate Sean after he was captured in Blackwater following the failed job there. One chat in particular leads to Arthur telling Uncle that he is dying but will use the time he has left to help others make it out safely, with Uncle simply commenting that he is a good man. Arthur returns Eagle Flies back to his to his father at the tribe's reservation, on the way Arthur expresses his regret for allowing him to get involved with Dutch, but Eagle Flies reassures him that all his decisions were his own. Arthur Morgan is a conflicted, fascinating outlaw who experiences many highs and lows as RDR2's protagonist.When exploring the Van der Linde gang's campsites throughout the story, Arthur can sit down with various gang members to have one-on-one, therapy session-like conversations . Arthur and John were, more or less, like brothers as both of them were raised by Dutch and Hosea for 15 years. Ultimately, Arthur leaves a positive impression on Rains Fall. Hell have to write his own. It turned out that Molly had lied and in fact rejected any attempt by the Pinkertons to recruit her, she lied about being a rat to simply get Dutch's attention. Arthur, depending on player decisions, can encourage her to sober up or be scornful for her alcoholism. Arthur is just trying to keep his family in one piece following the disasters events of Blackwater and Dutch's ever-more shaky grip on reality when Mary-Beth comes to him with a proposition he never sought, nor wanted. Eagle Flies was apprehensive and skeptical of him and believed he was nothing more than a hired hand who only worked for the highest bidder, and had no real care for the well-being of his people. When she got caught up in an argument with Pearson, the camp's cook, whilst working for him, Arthur intervened and Sadie explained that she and her husband would share all the work, rather than being given only domestic, household work. Arthur is the longest serving member of the Van der Linde gang, excluding Hosea, with the Van der Linde gang starting with just Dutch, Hosea and Arthur. Before the gang's last heist, Arthur, who has already planned secretly with John to steal Dutch's hidden stash for when he escapes with his family, tries to convince Dutch to let John, Abigail and Jack, as well as the other women, leave peacefully, however, Dutch takes offense to Arthur's insistence but feigns indulgence and promises he will do so after this last train robbery. A lot of people don't know, but Mary Beth and Kieran are most likely into each other. During a botched bank job in Saint Denis Lenny is shot and killed whilst the gang tries to escape across the rooftops. Their friendship was brief, but impactful for both parties. Please note this story will contain scenes of a sexual nature, violence and other mature themes Dutch Van Der Linde finds Kara Finlay in a saloon in Blackwater. In a random camp encounter Abigail complains that she cannot afford a new set of clothes for Jack, giving Arthur the choice to give her $5, indicating that he is willing to help Abigail and Jack in any way he can. What takes place at first is a simple love story: full of trials and journeys that they must endure together, as a team. please <3The title for this fanfic (like almost all my other works) is from a song; this time its Accused of Love by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. Like some others, he decides to leave when the gang begins to fall apart. Arthur loved his son and remembered Isaac fondly as being "such a good kid." Arthur and Bill were originally on good terms and worked well together, but due to the latter's recklessness and stupidity Arthur would often hold Bill in poor regards. John refuses and doesnt want to leave him behind but Arthur tells him that neither of them will make it out as Arthur is being slowed down by his illness and knows that he is eventually going to die. Fighting breaks out, followed by shooting, and the gang make their escape. Later at camp Arthur can thank Charles once again, showing his deep appreciation. The siblings quickly become Arthur's new family, though Arthur is especially taken with Victoria. Arthur Morgan is the pinnacle of Rockstar's character crafting as he's more realistic than any character who has come before him. It is hinted by Dutch that Arthur may have had sex with Abigail before her relationship with John, as did the other members of the gang, when he is confronted by John at the bank in Blackwater in 1911. Arthur never showed his gratitude for Kieran openly, and whenever Kieran mentions it Arthur responds that they are even because he allows another day to go buy without killing him. Arthur is given the choice to deal with the last hunter. Enraged over Hosea's death, Arthur and the gang proceed to kill several Pinkertons before escaping. The fire crackles at his feet, glowing orange across his dark boots and spitting sparks into the darkening sky. Arthur could illustrate the books that Mary Beth writes, and they could both make a living that way. Work Search: Maybe there is something to his strangeness.. Language barrier sucks, but when you have people like Arthur, Charles or Sean, it sucks a little less lol Im gonna be honest, as much fun as I had wiring this, I struggled a bit, especially with Arthur. Three years during which you couldnt stop thinking about him. You decide that as an involved party you should get a cut from it, and go on to make sure that the bet is won. Mary-Beth was attempting to stumble after them, but thankfully Charles intercepted and grabbed her, seemingly trying to keep her distracted. He often played along with Hosea's shenanigans, such as the role of the "idiot brother" to "The Clown" played by Hosea when the two were giving away moonshine at the Saloon in Rhodes, albeit Arthur did so reluctantly, indicating that he and Hosea have done this before. A/N:When describing how Reader and Arthur met, the Reader will be referred to in third person (she/her), but when the main action and smut starts, itll be back to second person (you). When Dutch's advances toward Mary-Beth become increasingly pointed and difficult to brush off, Mary-Beth realizes that the best way for her to remain with the gang and to keep Dutch at a distance is to take up with one of the other men. Arthur points out that he is loyal and Bill is too dumb to realise the reality of the situation. In regard to Arthur's indefatigable ability to provide the gang with money, food, and supplies, Dutch, while encountered in camp, will call Arthur "the best man among us.". But you know it just won't work out so it's this messy mix of emotion. She is sixteen and he must be twice that. Summary:While snooping through Arthurs journal, Karen finds a portrait of a woman who draws her attention. Whilst escaping Arthur falls to the ground after a steam pipe bursts in his face and is held at knife point, Dutch decides to leave Arthurfor dead even though he could easily have saved him. Its around this time Arthurs doubts of Dutch starts to grow. It is around this time that Arthur's doubts of Dutch starts to grow, eventually leading him to lose all faith in his gang leader. Now she was Out, she could be who she wanted to be and Leslie Dupont was who she had wanted to be: an author who was not afraid and wrote with her heart. Or maybe its just myself I cant forgive I aint certain. In another encounter around the Marston family's homestead Uncle can be seen talking to Abigail, telling her how all good things start with a good women, that John is the luckiest man alive and it was Arthur who told him that, causing Abigail to get up and leave whilst crying. Well, oftentimes I have one character say what Im thinkin before the other comes and comforts them. she blushed, realizing what she was saying, and that she couldnt just outright tell Arthur that the comforting she spoke of really meant fucking, and that the character which did so was always him. Press J to jump to the feed. The black water ate Little Jacks storybook. Jack just wants a little time with his uncle Arthur, but the man's been very distant lately. A/N:I think the last line in this piece is the best line Ive ever wrote simply because oh the image it evokes :(, Based on this request: Could you please do a fic set during the prologue of rdr2 in Colter, that Arthur tries to tame the white Arabian for the reader because their horse died instead of Boedecia, it takes hours to do it and when he brings it back to camp he starts sneezing and catches a cold so the reader thanks him by taking care of him :D. If you prefer to read on AO3, click here. The two agreed that Dutch had become the man he taught everyone not to be, with both of them pondering the idea that either the Dutch they are seeing now is his true-self or that Dutch is a shadow of his former-self. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. a series of purely self indulgent things I want to see, there isnt enough variety in this fandom. The loss of his son and Eliza made Arthur appreciate the family he had in the Van der Linde gang and perhaps fuelled the frustration he had with John when he ran away after getting Abigail pregnant with Jack. And he carried a bowl filled with sheeps blood which he flicked over the neat rows with his fingers. However, Arthur would reassure Lenny that he has friends and that he should not try to impress everyone in the gang because the people that matter (himself, Dutch and Hosea) are aware of the effort he puts in. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. After they return from Guarma and set up camp at Beaver Hollow their relationship begins to strain furtherwhen Arthur, with Sadie, rescuesJohn from Sisika Penitentiary against Dutch's wishes. Despite their poor relationship, the two work well enough together to get a job done. They successfully broke John out of prison but at the same time annoyed Dutch for disobeying his orders, however, Sadie's loyalty is to Arthur and isn't too fazed by Dutch's frustration with them. Still, after his wife's multiple miscarriages before the rising sun, poor man taught his daughter to . Why? Tilly stares over at her like shes grown a second head. Arthur can refuse to help herin both instances, and upon theses events camp members can talk to Arthur about Mary, with many expressing their disapproval, which slightly annoys Arthur. Arthur asked Dutch to spare her and simply kick her out, finding her pathetic but sad. She revealed that she had given him to Angelo Bronte in Saint Denis. After many years. With many camp members expressing concern over this. At the same time, Arthur is haunted by memories of his past life, from 1883 to 1899. Mary-Beth is unique as one of the camp members as she is rarely seen taking part in any missions, unlike Karen and Tilly. This page takes a look at Arthur's various relationship from the perspective of high honor and with Arthur agreeing to help all the characters he meets, as the game pushes you in this direction and is, as a result, the most likely experiences players will have when playing this game. Favorite Arthur/John/Mary-Beth headcanons? Dutch, whilst at camp, will have spontaneous chats with Arthur, one of which can lead to Arthur offering to find Dutch a pipe after he mentions that he misses smoking one. He tells Strauss to get a job and gives him some money to leave, with Strauss doing so, never to be seen again. However, Arthur still gets frustrated by John's poor decisions, such as when they, along with Javier, steal horses from the Braithwaites for, what they hoped would be $5,000, only to be told they would get $650. Because Kieran saved Arthur he was granted camp freedom and had the job of caring for the horses. Thanks to time travelers Francis Sinclair and Charles Smith, Arthur's life has been saved by a Saint Denis hospital in the year 2021. When Dutch intervenes in the fight he tells him of his success with John, ultimately feeling a sense of redemption because of this and no longer caring if he dies. Stepney was . Eliza and Isaac's deaths have also deeplyaffected his loyalty to his gang, considering them as his family, and holding disdain for John Marston for leaving Abigail Roberts when he got her pregnant with their son, Jack. Summary: Its been three years since thatfateful night. Arthur pitied Swanson's proclivity for drunkenness. Whilst at camp Arthur treats Jack with great care and affection when talking to him. Arthur, although shocked, doesn't try to help her, but this is likely because he was caught up in the tense standoff and couldn't afford to pay any attention to her dying. Boy has all the dexterity of his father before him, but he still managed a better job than Uncle who was on the bottle before I could get him working. He does, however, keep a photographof her beside his bed, and often speaks fondly of her, in contrast to his father. He wondered how long she would keep his favor. She is the first to find and help Arthur after he escapes from Colm O'Driscoll and his men where he was tortured. Occasionally, at camp, Arthur can open up to Karen and tell her how he really feels and what he thinks of his violent actions. Throughout Arthur's last moments fighting Micah he continuously bragged that he has won, contradicting Micah's claims that he had lost, because he successfully saved John and his family. Charlotte was grateful for his help and his company, having brought her up when she was at her lowest point. This view is further exacerbated when Dutch takes advantage of Eagle Flies' pent up rage at the U.S. Army, with Arthur feeling that Dutch is putting the Wapiti Tribe at risk and compromising the well-being and safety Rains Fall has fought so hard to gain and protect.